Monday, May 19, 2014


What is Cartoon-isms?

Great question!
You know the literary movements known as "isms" (i.e. Realism, Transcendentalism, Naturalism). Maybe you learned about them in class but feel unsure about how to recognize one from the other. Or perhaps, you cannot think of any examples of each "ism" outside of traditional literature taught within the classroom.

There are examples of the "isms" all around us! While each "ism" movement is placed within a range of years when the philosophy was most popular, the "isms" transcend time. They are past, present, and future. In fact, many cartoon characters, beloved by all, exemplify the characteristics of a specific "ism" which may be associated with decades long since past.

In this blog, I will give examples of such cartoon favorites and explain the ways in which they embody their perspective "ism".

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